Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I am devastatingly sore. It's not a surprise to me. I know the reason why: I played soccer for the first time in over a year yesterday. I expected to be a little sore, but I didn't expect to be awkwardly hobbling around the office today. So I ask the question: "Hey my body, what gives?"

A little history for you: I used to be pretty out of shape. Even now I wouldn't consider myself an Alpha Male phyiscal speciman. But I ran a 5k with relative ease three weeks ago, and I regularly run on a treadmill. And not the "regulary" that people tell the dentist when they say they "regularly" floss. I mean I run for about 30 minutes (sometimes more) about 3-4 times a week. And yes I stretched before and after playing soccer yesterday.

I feel like this (sans diaper).

You'd think that I'd be safe with regular exercise and stetching. But sadly I am hobbled and bruised and the first game of the season is tomorrow. I feel like a freshman that's so excited for a party on Friday that he pregames himself into oblivion and vomits himself to sleep before he can even leave his dorm.

I did some quick research and yes, there is in fact a wikipedia page for Muscle Soreness*. It's pretty boring stuff. I'd reccomend reading this wikipedia entry instead:  Most Confusing Concept Ever.

*Accidentally typed "Muscle SCORENESS" about 15 times.

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